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SamanthaKline portrayed by AS

                   S͎a͎m͎a͎n͎t͎h͎a͎ Kline. ໄ Amanda Seyfried
       . . . 29 years old . . . Psychological Profiler for FBI . . . Pisces . . . heterosexual . . . INTP . . .
              seaside                clipboards
           The Rorschach test              glasses
             pencil skirts               blonde locks
            sunny days               psychology books

                ⸺⸺⸺ ‘゚ t.ly/-owU- ‘゚⸺⸺⸺

ßa̲c̲k̲g̲r̲o̲u̲n̲d̲:               Samantha Kline grew up as an orphan, never knowing her biological par                      ents. Her early years were spent in an orphanage, followed by a series of                      foster homes until she turned sixteen. Her life took a turn for the better                      when a couple, both retired FBI agents, adopted her and became her per                      manent family. They provided her with a stable home and excellent educ                      ation, nurturing her interests and guiding her toward a higher education                      in psychology. With their support, Samantha excelled academically and p                      rofessionally, eventually becoming a psychological profiler for the FBI.

          Samantha’s natural aptitude for understanding human behavior
          and her rigorous training helped her become one of the best ps
          ychological profilers in the FBI. She quickly gained recognition f
          or her work on significant cases, using her keen analytical skills
          and intuition to solve complex crimes. Her career was further mo
          tivated by the loss of her long-term boyfriend, an FBI agent killed
          during an undercover mission. This personal tragedy left Samant
          ha with a broken heart and a renewed focus on her work, leaving
          little room for personal relationships.

Recently, Samantha was assigned to work with the L.A.P.D.                 :↻u̲r̲r̲e̲n̲t̲ ̲A̲s̲s̲i̲g̲n̲m̲e̲n̲t̲
on a high-profile case and to evaluate their employees who
had shown lapses in professionalism. During this assignme
nt, she met Ethan Harris, a forensic pathologist, and becam
e infatuated with him, seeing him as a chance to "find love a
gain." Despite Ethan being in a committed relationship with L
exie Jones, Samantha refuses to accept this, frequently med
dling in their relationship and attempting to sabotage it. Her a
nalytical nature and tendency to point out uncomfortable truth
s about the personalities of her colleagues often annoy the L.
A.P.D. team, creating tension in the workplace.

                        ↻u̲r̲r̲e̲n̲t̲ Ꝉi̲f̲e̲:
          At 29, Samantha Kline is a dedicated and skilled psychological profiler
         for the FBI. Her professional life is marked by her ability to unravel th
          e complexities of human behavior and solve challenging cases. Howev
          er, her personal life remains tumultuous due to her unresolved grief
          and obsession with Ethan Harris. Her presence at the L.A.P.D. is a dou
          ble-edged sword; while her insights are invaluable, her tendency to me
          ddle and point out inconvenient truths creates friction with the team.
         Samantha’s journey is one of resilience and determination, navigatin
         g the fine line between professional excellence and personal turmoil.

  . . .  honest   . . .  nagging   . . .  tactful   . . .  independent   . . .  motivated   . . .       assertive   . . .  curious   . . .   spirited   . . .   friendly   . . .   eloquent   . . .  

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