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KimikoYamada portrayed by KF

                   K͎i͎m͎i͎k͎o͎ Yamada. ໄ Karen Fukuhara
       . . . 25 years old . . . Hunter Steeleʾs assistant . . . Sagittarius . . . heterosexual . . . ENFP . . .
             leather jacket            Solitaire
             knives           multicolored nail polish
               stalking            psychology books
            hysterical laughing            chess
              80s movies             deadpool

               ⸺⸺⸺ ‘゚ t.ly/-DCs- ‘゚⸺⸺⸺

ßa̲c̲k̲g̲r̲o̲u̲n̲d̲:               Kimiko Yamada was born in Tokyo to a shop owner mother and a father                      involved in the Yakuza. Due to her father`s criminal activities and being                      set up, the family had to flee to the United States. Unfortunately, only K                      imiko and her older brother Kenji made it across the border; their parents                      were murdered by the Yakuza. Kimiko, aged 11, and Kenji, four years old                      er, lived a transient and harsh life on the streets. Misfortune struck again                      when Kenji succumbed to pneumonia, leaving Kimiko completely alone.

           Emotionally detached and aimless after her brother`s death, Kim
           iko wandered the streets until she was found by an old police det
           ective, Henry Matthews. Henry took her in, teaching her English a
           nd sending her to school. However, Henry had his own twisted se
           nse of justice, believing that criminals deserved the same fate as t
           heir victims. He would kidnap and kill criminals, disposing of their
           bodies with Kimiko as a witness. He taught her the gruesome skill
           s of killing, torture, and evidence disposal. This traumatic upbring
           ing further detached Kimiko from normal human emotions, embe
           dding sociopathic tendencies and the urge to kill. Despite this, Kim
           iko grew attached to Henry, seeing him as a father figure. Her work
           d was shattered once again when Henry was killed by a serial killer
           he was hunting. This ignited a desire for revenge in Kimiko.

Kimiko is outgoing and creative, able to blend into different                      :φe̲r̲s̲o̲n̲a̲l̲i̲t̲y̲
environments with ease. She is open-minded yet chaotic, e
nthusiastic but perceptive. Her easygoing nature masks an
underlying organization and a chameleonic ability to adapt
and mimic emotions. Despite her outward charm, Kimiko is
emotionally detached, displaying little empathy and harbori
ng a deep-seated urge for vengeance.

           To gain access to information and resources that could
           help her find her adoptive father`s killer, Kimiko secure
           d a job as the secretary to Hunter Steele, the captain of
           the homicide unit. Her role allows her to stay close to th
           e heart of investigations and tail leads that might lead to
           Henry`s killer. Kimiko’s skills in blending in and playing d
           ifferent personas make her an invaluable asset in the off
           ice, even as she pursues her own secret agenda.

ᖇe̲l̲a̲t̲i̲o̲n̲s̲h̲i̲p̲ ̲w̲i̲t̲h̲ ̲H̲u̲n̲t̲e̲r̲ ̲S̲t̲e̲e̲l̲e̲:            Hunter Steele, a cynical and morally ambiguous individual,                            shares a dark similarity with Kimiko`s adoptive father. He                            believes in a form of justice that mirrors Henry`s, which K                            imiko discovers later. Hunter, divorced with a 18-year-old                            daughter, is addicted to Vicodin following a shooting. He a                            nd Kimiko engage in a cat-and-mouse dynamic, often clas                            hing yet inexplicably drawn to each other. Their interaction                            s are marked by a slow-burn romance, fraught with tension                            and mutual understanding of each other’s darkness.

At 25, Kimiko navigates a life filled with deception and hidden                     : ↻u̲r̲r̲e̲n̲t̲ Ꝉi̲f̲e̲
motives. Her job as Hunter Steele`s secretary is a means to a
n end, providing her with access to crucial information. She m
aintains a façade of normalcy while harboring a deep-seated
need for revenge. Kimiko’s blend of enthusiasm and perceptiv
eness allows her to excel in her role, even as she remains em
otionally detached. Her relationship with Hunter adds a compl
ex layer to her life, as they both navigate their dark desires an
d past traumas. Their shared belief in a twisted form of justice
binds them, setting the stage for a complicated and intense re

 . . .  outgoing   . . .  creative   . . .  open-minded   . . .  chaotic   . . .  enthusiastic   . . .   perceptive   . . .  easygoing   . . .   organized   . . .   chameleonic   . . .   detached   . . .  

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