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LucasRhodes portrayed by EcW

                   Lucas A͎l͎e͎x͎a͎n͎d͎e͎r͎ Rhodes. ໄ Eric Winter
       . . . 36 years old . . . homicide detective . . . Taurus . . . heterosexual . . . ISTP . . .
              petrichor           burnt toast
             empty bottles          street fights
            3 AM road trips         bruised knuckles
            aftershave scent        late-night stakeouts
            home renovations       adrenaline rush

                ⸺⸺⸺ ‘゚ t.ly/SMQ-1 ‘゚⸺⸺⸺

ßa̲c̲k̲g̲r̲o̲u̲n̲d̲:               Lucas Alexander Rhodes had a tumultuous upbringing, marked by neg                      lect and survival. His father was a drug addict, and his mother a prostit                      ute, both often leaving him to fend for himself. As a teenager, Lucas tu                      rned to selling drugs and stealing from his father’s stash to save money.                      When he was caught, he endured severe beatings. Despite the hardship                      s, he managed to emancipate himself at the age of 18, using the money                      he saved to enroll in the police academy, determined to create a better                      life for himself. His drive and resilience helped him succeed, but person                      al tragedies continued to haunt him, including the brutal murder of his                      fiancée by a serial killer, which led him to struggle with alcohol as a cop                      ing mechanism.

            Lucas is aloof and cynical, traits developed from his harsh
            upbringing. He is chill yet hot-tempered, often acting impul
            sively. His independence and resourcefulness have helped
            him survive and thrive in challenging circumstances. Despi
            te his skepticism, Lucas is fiercely protective of those he ca
            res about, though he remains private and guarded about hi
            s own emotions.

Lucas’s early life of crime gave him a unique perspective                       :↻a̲r̲e̲e̲r̲
and understanding of the criminal world, which he used
to his advantage in his career as a homicide detective. H
is street smarts, coupled with his formal training, make
him a highly effective detective. Lucas’s dedication to jus
tice is fueled by personal loss and is known for his relentl
ess pursuit of truth. His partnership with Jade Jones has
been both professionally and personally significant, with
their shared experiences and complementary skills mak
ing them a formidable team.

                    ᖇe̲l̲a̲t̲i̲o̲n̲s̲h̲i̲p̲ ̲w̲i̲t̲h̲ ̲J̲a̲d̲e̲:
            Working closely with Jade Jones, Lucas found a partner who
            understood and shared his dedication to their work. Over the
            years, their professional relationship deepened into a person
            al one. Their mutual respect and shared experiences created
            a strong bond, and they eventually admitted their feelings for
            each other. Their relationship provides Lucas with the emotio
            nal support he needs, and he, in turn, offers Jade protection
            and unwavering loyalty.

↻u̲r̲r̲e̲n̲t̲ Ꝉi̲f̲e̲:                Lucas Rhodes is a respected homicide detective, known for his dedicat                       on and effectiveness. His life is a balance of late-night stakeouts, adren                       aline-fueled investigations, and moments of solace found in home ren                       ovations and early morning road trips. His relationship with Jade has b                       rought stability and love into his life, helping him cope with past traum                       as. Lucas’s journey from a neglected child to a successful detective and                       loving partner is a testament to his resilience, resourcefulness, and uny                       ielding spirit.

  . . .  aloof   . . .  cynical   . . .  chill   . . .  hot-tempered   . . .  impulsive   . . .   protective           . . .  independent   . . .   resourceful  . . .   private   . . .   skeptical   . . .  

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